Sunday, July 11, 2010

This town is Hanoi-ing

It seems like Nick and I will be switching off tonight - introspective Nick and ranting Reggie.

Our trip to Halong Bay exceeded our expectations, which is quite a feat given how much it's been built up in our imaginations. If we were ever to win the lottery, I think cruising around Halong Bay would be an ideal way to spend some time. Good food, great companionship, fun activities, beautiful scenery- what more can you ask for in a day trip?

Returning to Hanoi after spending a mere 24 hours in Halong Bay has been jarring. The incessant horns, horrible driving, and mediocre meals of Hanoi have been truly disappointing. I can't seem to pinpoint what it is about Hanoi that I struggle with, but here are the top contenders:

Sidewalks - the sidewalks in Hanoi are for parking, cooking, cleaning, burning trash, and sitting. Anything but walking. So you need to walk in the street. Which brings me to...

Driving - The driving here is the worst we've seen , and that's really saying something. In theory, traffic is supposed to travel on the rIght-hand side of the road. Not so in practise; people drive wherever there is space. Even pedestrian only zones aren't safe from motorbikes. And God help you if you get in their way. We noticed that there are very few traffic lights, and the few there are don't work. A tour guide told us that drivers would just ignore them anyway.

Honking - You pass me, I honk. I pass you, I honk. I'm next to you, I honk. You're in my way, I honk. I want you to get in my taxi, I honk. I'm entering an intersection, I honk. I drive, therefore I honk.

Food - I think we must have been spoiled in Hoi An. Every meal was delicious, and most were worth writing home about (Nick ate Asian food!). Most if our meals here have been bland, a few, downright bad. I'm sadly considering meals of French fries or rice, since they're pretty hard to mess up.

Wierd hours - Most museums and tourist sites in Hanoi are closed on Mondays and Fridays. Our two full days here are Monday and Friday. We'll get to see most everything, but they seem like funny days to be closed. Also, everything is closed between 11:30 am and 2:00 pm, but that makes total sense given the heat.

All in all, still having a great time. I think we both wish we could have extended our rime in Halong Bay and shortened our time in Hanoi. We now know for the next time.

Happy World Cup Final to all, and to all a good night



  1. Best. Reg. Post. Ever.

    Angry Reg is Awesome Reg.

  2. Honk honk honk! I just laughed outloud!
    Tom said, as we left the Jack Johnson concert last night, "I think the people of Vietnam have it right. The driver always has the right of way.... Especially when random drunk concert-goers just step infront of your car!!" Tom said I was being too nice! so I guess Tom, the kids and I are now moving!

  3. Marriage seems to really be working for the two of you. How long before Nick randomly sings song lyrics? Please write more often, honey, I miss the sound of you "voice" even when you are ranting.
